Levi Rowland - A Featured Presenter with HexFest 2024

Presented by Brian Cain, Christian Day
and the Witches of New Orleans

Levi Rowland

Levi Rowland is a cartomancy reader, teacher, interpreter, and Alexandrian priest and witch. His many years of study in the occult have led him from Catholic mysticism to the Western Occult Tradition and Hermetic Qabalah, and finally to a home in Alexandrian Witchcraft. In his mundane life, he focuses on the magic of education and communication by teaching modern languages and serving as an interpreter and translator.

Levi was raised in Appalachia, in Tennessee and Kentucky. That connection to one of the most magical places in North America led him to seek out connections between American folk magic and Old World traditions. This has led to over thirteen years of work in the occult as a teacher and a reader. He currently reads through Hex, Old World Witchery in the historic heart of New Orleans, and teaches traditional astrology, Hermetic Qabalah, cartomancy, and other traditions from Western Esotericism. All of this stems from his service as a priest to the Gods and the continuing work of initiation.

Levi Rowland has a table in our Vending Area!

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Workshops for 2024

Quite a Violent Mother: The Great Goddess as Destroyer and Liberator
Saturday, Aug 10, 9:00am
St Ann Cottage 2 [map]