Astral Travel to Empower Your Practice - A HexFest 2024 Workshop with Asia Babb Strong

Presented by Brian Cain, Christian Day
and the Witches of New Orleans


Astral Travel to Empower Your Practice

Featuring Asia Babb Strong

Saturday, August 10

5:00 pm

St Mary Salon 2 [map]

Full Schedule

Learn how integrating an Astral Travel practice into your craft can improve your magick, clairvoyance, energy work, and mediumship, as well as strengthen your relationship with your guides, deities, and higher self. Connecting with ancestors, communing with etheric or deceased beings, and viewing the Akashic records are just a fraction of the things you can do when you’re comfortable navigating the astral planes.

Through this workshop you will gain an understanding of Astral Travel, how it is scientifically possible and proven as well as a brief history of its multi-cultural use and significance across worldly religions.

You’ll learn how to establish your own astral travel practice including what to expect, various methods for inducing the out-of-body states, techniques on how to safely navigate environments beyond the body, and how to maintain the astral state for extended periods.

Strengthen your craft and embrace your power by mastering the art of Astral Projection.