The Art of the Seance - A HexFest 2024 Workshop with Carie Ewers

Presented by Brian Cain, Christian Day
and the Witches of New Orleans


The Art of the Seance

Featuring Carie Ewers

Saturday, August 10

3:15 pm

St Mary Salon 1 [map]

Full Schedule

Sitting in spirit, with those who have passed on, is one of the most intense and emotional experiences that we, as corporal humans, can have.

The curiosity to peek on the other side of the veil connects us to our humanity and can take away the fear of what is beyond this mortal coil.

In this class, I will lead us through the techniques to step through the other side and receive messages from our honored dead.

  • Learning centering techniques before beginning
  • Proper methods of energetically and physically cleansing a space
  • Proper ethics and conduct of the seance
  • Accessing energy from the other side
  • Tools, spirit boards and how to use them
  • Meditation and Energetic Alignment techniques
  • Receiving messages and automatic writing
  • How to safely end a seance and reground energy