Hoodoo Spells to Break Up Bad Relationships & Send Away Spells - A HexFest 2024 Workshop with Miss Aida

Presented by Brian Cain, Christian Day
and the Witches of New Orleans


Hoodoo Spells to Break Up Bad Relationships & Send Away Spells

Featuring Miss Aida

Sunday, August 11

1:30 pm

St Mary Salon 1 [map]

Full Schedule

Are you getting harassed by bad neighbors or a group of them? What about work relationships? Has the work environment changed since someone new joined the team or a bully has decided that you are the next victim and the group tags along? Your best bet is to break up their relationships! Other types of relationships can be justifiably broken up, such as personal relationships in which: 1-Your permanent partner has a secret lover; 2-An interloper covets your permanent partner; 3-A relationship established through entrapment such as pregnancy or witchcraft; 4-A relationship that was established through deception; and 5-Your very own souring relationship that you desire to end. What about an interloper who wishes to steal your job and establish a stellar relationship with your boss? The above are all examples of relationships that ought to be terminated. You will learn not only how to identify when break-up spells are warranted but also how to perform these spells in a calculated manner. When a relationship entails a physical abuser, one does not utilize break-up spells as they might incite anger and further harm the victim. Instead, we employ send-away spells to send the abuser away. Send-away spells are also useful to move others far away from you, from a loved one, or a friend. Also when one believes that a cursing and crossing spell is not justified, sending an enemy away is a perfect spell to perform! Furthermore, send-away spells are not categorized as negative magic thus, they are considered a “Safe practice” for those who fear lingering negative energies.