Earth Magick: Combining Crystals and Herbs to Empower Your Practice - A HexFest 2024 Workshop with Judy Ann Nock

Presented by Brian Cain, Christian Day
and the Witches of New Orleans


Earth Magick: Combining Crystals and Herbs to Empower Your Practice

Featuring Judy Ann Nock

Sunday, August 11

9:00 am

St Mary Salon 1 [map]

Full Schedule

Witches revere the earth and for good reason: the earth brings forth all, nurtures all, sustains all, and contains all. So much mythology and lore is born from the natural processes of the earth as people have attempted to explain explore and harness this mighty power. From crystals that form below the earth’s surface to the flowering herbs above, the concept of “as it is above so it is below” will be explored by combining specific crystals and companion herbs to affect specific outcomes. Attendees will leave with a small charm bag with a custom blend of crystals and herbs of their design to aid in manifesting their desired outcome.