The Horned God in the British Isles - A HexFest Workshop with Jason Mankey!
August 9 - 11, 2019 at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel Presented by Brian Cain, Christian Day, and the Witches of New Orleans


The Horned God in the British Isles

Featuring Jason Mankey

Not Available in 2019


This event may return for future years. [map]

Full Schedule

For thousands of years, the Horned God has resided in the British Isles in various forms. To the ancient Celts, he was The Horned One, Cernunnos. In the Middle Ages he whispered to his followers in Christian Churches as the Green Man, and purchased the souls of potential followers as the Man in Black or Old Hornie. As Herne, he became an English icon. In the 19th Century the Greek god Pan came ashore and became one of the most written about deities in all of English Literature. Learn the real histories behind these powerful figures and how they all fit together (or don't). Despite their rather varied histories these figures would all become, in their own way, an essential part of many modern Pagan and Occult practices.

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