August 9 - 11, 2019 at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel Presented by Brian Cain, Christian Day, and the Witches of New Orleans


Opening Pandora's Box: The Book of Curses

Featuring Karagan Griffith

Not Available in 2019


This event may return for future years. [map]

Full Schedule

The Iberian Peninsula in Europe encompasses a mountainous region that is mostly associated with Portugal and Spain. The magic of Iberia is still evident today in the work of the 'men' and 'women' who know how to "get things done." The word 'witch' would be offensive to them, but the work that they are paid to do is definitely what is viewed as witchcraft today. Casting spells, healing, divination, communication with the dead, and the use of curses.

Join Karagan as he explores the intricate and fascinating world of curses from a Portuguese folk magic perspective. Learn how spells are cast, the components of a spell, and how to undo a curse once you become aware of it's working.

Open Pandora's forbidden box and prepare to be amazed.

Click here to register for HexFest 2019!