August 21 - 23, 2019 at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel
Presented by Brian Cain, Christian Day, and the Witches of New Orleans


The Foods of Love: Taste the Divine

Featuring Lilith Dorsey

Not Available in 2019


This event may return for future years. [map]

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Magickal recipes for love have been utilized throughout the ages in every different spiritual tradition. What are the magickal benefits to adding cinnamon or vanilla to a recipe? This workshop explores the lore and practice of creating sensual delights from tongue to toe. Participants will know what it means to taste the sweet honey of the Lucumi/Santeria goddess of love—Oshun, who is always wary of her rivals poison. The goddess comes, pardon the pun, in many forms, and if we are lucky we can taste her sweetness. The Haitian Loa Aida Wedo teaches us how to bridge our way to a divine partnership and is offered eggs dyed in the colors of the rainbow, learn when and why these offerings are necessary and how to respectfully bring them into your own practices.

FIX THIS!!!, August 22

Saint Joseph Salon [map]


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