Within the mysterious island nation of Haiti, Vodou emerged as a unique evolution of ancient African spirituality that spoke to the needs of a people enslaved and gave them the keys to great magical power—leading to the only truly successful slave rebellion in history. This deeply transformative path still thrives in Haiti today, with it being said that “Haitians are 70 percent Catholic, 30 percent Protestant, and 100 percent voodoo.” Join Mambo Marie Carmel, initiated Mambo Asagwe of Haitian Vodou and proprietress of Carmel and Sons Botanica in the historic Treme Neighborhood of New Orleans for an exploration into the magic that forms the everyday workings of the Vodou priests and priestesses. Born and raised in Haiti, Mambo Marie is wise in many of the ways of its cultural magic and folklore. While first and foremost a sacred religion of the Spirits—known as the Lwa, Haitian Vodou is also a daily way of life that embraces the natural and supernatural worlds as doorways to transformation and power.
These are the ways of magic that led the Haitian people to claim strength, power, and independence, and in the process created a spiritual and magical system known throughout the world.